Highest Celebrity Net Worth
Faze Rain Net Worth and All you need to Know – Untold Truth
FaZe Rain net worth about $3m (three million dollars) as at August, 2020.
Who is FaZe Rain?
FaZe Rain whose real name is Nordan Shat was born on May 29 1996. Nordan Shat is a member and co-founder of professional esports and entertainment group named FaZe Clan along side FaZe Temperrr (Thomas Oliveir), FaZe Apex (Yousef Abdelfattah), FaZe Rug (Brian Awadis), Faze Adapt (Alexander Prynkiewicz) and FaZe Banks (Richard Bengston). The growth of the group has contributed to FaZe Rain Net worth.
Early Life
Fаzе Rаіn wаѕ bоrn іn Тоrоntо, Саnаdа where ѕtаrtеd hіѕ оnlіnе саrееr іn 2010 at the age of 14 and quickly bесоmе an internet sensation.
Nordan Shat was born into an unhappy family of three, consiting of his little sister, Mum and Dad. It is alledged that Nоrdаn wаѕ rаіѕеd іn а brоkеn home and hіѕ раrеntѕ wоuld ѕсrеаm аnd fіght wіth еасh оthеr and his dad left him. Nоrdаn had dерrеѕѕіоn аnd ехtrеmе ѕаdnеѕѕ as a little kid.
The Unending arguments and fight resulted in Nordan and his sister depressed as they continiously watch their fight.
Rain was a easy-going and fun-loving guy, often referred to as the clown of the class as he loved others laugh. Nordan parents were approached often and he visited principal’s office more often. The little Nordan found happiness in playing video games on the PlayStation and watching youtube videos.

FaZe Rain Net Worth
FaZe Rain Biography Summary
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What is FaZe Clan?
Faze Rain is one of the most prominent and successful members of Faze Clan. The Clan started by uploading videos on Youtube based on the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in which they exhibit trick shots.
In 2012, Faze Clan considered competing in the tournaments after release of Black Ops 2 in 2012. Faze Red ended up on the third place of Call of Duty Championship in 2015.
FaZe Rain McLaren

FaZe Rain Net Worth – FaZe Rain McLaren
Fans have and will definitely shown interest in kind of expensive luxury automobile their favourite celebrity drives. They have been a buzz by fans on the kind of cars Rain drives. FaZe Rain has own luxury automobile in recent years which include McLaren 570S, a Tesla Model X and an Audi R8. FaZe Rain has uploaded a few videos that feature these cars so that fans can see them.
How Much Money Does Faze Rain Earn?
Nordan in his early days got happiness by playing video games has his therapist had advised him to focus on what he loved. Since he was already on YouTube, Nordan Shat had started considering professional gaming while focusing on his Youtube channel.
Faze Rain began his Youtube channel back in 2010 which grew to 1 million subscribers in 2014 and 4.9 million subscribers in 2019 as the channel has over 5.3 million subscribers. Only his team-mate Faze Rug has greater. Rain is known for his love for luxury cars
It is estimated that Faze makes over $200,000 monthly. Faze Rain is widely believed to be one of the most successful and popular eSports video maker on Youtube. The professional gamer is currently 24 years old and has 5.43 million subscribers on his channel which is equivalent to the population of South Carolina and a staggering 1.05 billion views on his entire Youtube watch-time. Rain post amazing Vlogs and fan mail openings to lure audience to his channel.
Where does FaZe rain live?
Faze Rain currently lives in the United States of America as he indicate on his twitter bio that he lives in his universe. it is believed that he spends most of his time making his videos for his vlog and youtube.
The CSGOWild controversies
It was alledged by a journalist, Richard Lewis that FaZe founders Faze Rain and Faze Banks owned betting site CSGOWild. This made YouTuber “HonorTheCall” made a video post two days later accusing them of knowing the outcome of rolls in advance and other betting irregularities on the platform.
CSGOWild’s owner Gagey in a stated “FaZe Clan, and any of its members do not and have never owned any part of Wild.” Gagey further stated that they had a sponsorship deal and confirming that Faze Banks, Faze Rain and a few other team members got paid for the promotion.
Аwаrdѕ & Асhіеvеment
Fаzе Rаіn hаѕ twо YоuТubе сhаnnеlѕ with over 5.3 mіllіоn ѕubѕсrіbеrѕ оn hіѕ сhаnnеl. This is a major асhіеvеmеnt fоr thе уоung bоу of his age! Ніѕ сhаnеl gеtѕ over 180,000 vіеwѕ daily, as this has grown Faze Rain Net Worth over time!
Why was Faze Rain Kicked Out of the Face House?
FaZe Rain had took to his Twitter account (@FaZe_Rain) to unfold that he had been kicked out of the FaZe House.
He had a series of serious tweets on May 28, 2020, in which he said that he had been thrown out of the FaZe house.
What is FaZe Rain Height and Weight?
Apart from being the richest YouTuber born in Canada, FaZe Rain is 6 feet 3 inches tall and 165 pounds in weight.
Personal Life: Who is FaZe Rain Girlfriend?
Almost in his mid 20s. Rain is still a fun-loving guy who is yet to get married, and FaZe Rain most notable affair was with a lady known as Taylor in November 2014 as Taylor appeared severally in FaZe Rain YouTube videos.
December 2014, FaZe Rain girlfriend Taylor was featured in a video, “Meet My Girlfriend.” In November 2016, Rain and Taylor finally broke up for unknown reason.
FaZe Rain Kicked Out?
It’s 100% my fault
Don’t blame FaZe
Just need to figure myself outI love you all & I’m sorry to everyone I hurt
— FaZe Rain @FaZe_Rain – May 28, 2020
In May 2020, Nordan “Rain” Shat made several tweets pointing to the fact that he had been kicked out of the FaZe house which led to many theories about his metal state which was derived from FaZe Banks response to a fans comment on one of FaZe Rain tweets.
You’re a fucking moron and have no clue what you’re talking about. You don’t know even 1% of what Rain’s dealing with or going through right now. Kick rocks with that shit.
— FaZe Banks @Banks – May 28, 2020
Nordan Shat has always been open about his history of mental issues and has been speaking about it on his YouTube channel. It has been widely believed that one of Rain’s YouTube videos which he deleted and this is assumed to be the reason behind FaZe kicking him out of the house.
FaZe Rain recently uploaded a video which he rants on the reason everyone questions why he is not always happy despite being successful.
The FaZe Clan with over fifty member has over years has over 8 million YouTube subscribers on YouTube which generate funds that makes up FaZe Rain Net Worth.
What is FaZe House?
The Faze House has a large house somewhere in California where members of the clan live make most of the social median contents photos and location for filming their YouTube videos.
Social Media Accounts
FaZe Rain Twitter handle is @FaZe_Rain and had over 3.2 million followers and follows 303. FaZe Rain Instagram is @nordan with over 1 million followers. full link of social media accounts are listed below:
- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/rain
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/FaZe_Rain
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nordan/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/nordan, https://www.youtube.com/user/OMFGRain/, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxaVOVnhmT0-HCUv72jtOTA
FaZe Rain Video
Here are some of FaZe Rain Video from his Youtube Channel which has been part of FaZe Rain Net Worth success.