Top 80 Cute names to call your boyfriend in Spanish That are Truly Amazing
There are several reasons apart from sounding romantic why you need cute names to call your boyfriend in Spanish and i have revealed and listed the best of nicknames here.
I’ve compiled a collection of cute romantic Spanish nicknames that are more fun than the conventional pet name for your boyfriend.
What Names can I Call My Boyfriend in Spanish?
Despite looks, all of them are affectionate phrases of endearment for guys. Even in love, Spanish speakers can be sarcastic.
If your boyfriend is a fan of Spanish or speaks it as a first language, you might want to learn a few nicknames from this list.
Here is a list of Spanish nicknames for a boyfriend in case you need a Spanish nickname for your partner or merely need Spanish nicknames to call a guy.
It’s a fun and effective approach to learn Spanish in the way that native speakers do!
List of Cute Names to Call Your Boyfriend in Spanish.
- Precioso Mo – It means “my beloved” and refers to someone close to you.
- Príncipe – Your “beautiful prince” (with or without the white horse).
- Querido – a Spanish name that means “beloved.” It’s used to describe someone you adore.
- Querio – It’s what you call your “darling.”
- Rey (Mi) – Someone you revere, your “king.”
- (Mi) Sol – translates to “my sun.”
- (Mi) Tesoro – Someone you’d like to keep as a “treasure.”
- Mi Vida – Vida is a person you can’t live without because it signifies “my life.”
- Esé – a nickname that roughly translates to “homeboy” and is primarily associated with Mexican culture.
- Vato – one of several terms that can be substituted for “dude,” “man,” or “guy.”
- Cholo/a – a term used to describe someone who dresses in loose pants, flannel shirts, and wears a bandanna around their head.
- Güey – Pronounced “wey,” it means “ox” but is a derogatory term for someone silly, similar to how we say “dude.”
- (Mi) León – You call someone “(my) lion” if they are powerful and confident and you feel comfortable with them.
- Mi Media Naranja – Your better half, the one who fits you completely. It literally means “my half orange.”
- Pachuco – A Spanish nickname for a guy that resembles a gangster in appearance and behavior.
- Primo – A term that literally translates to “cousin” and is used to describe someone who has maintained a strong friendship.
- Pipi Calzas Largas (peepee kalthahs lahrgahs) is a nickname you can call your boyfriend in Spanish that refers to the character Pippi Longstocking. As a result, it is reserved for those who are daring and a little crazy.
- Bola de billar (bolah de beeyahr) means “bowling bowl” and is suitable for bald persons.
Yeti (yeti) – the fictional character “yeti” is referenced in this Spanish nickname. It is used to describe a hairy person (typically a man). - Cursi (kursee) is a nickname for a boyfriend who enjoys extremely cheesy stuff.
- Serpiente (ehrpeeehnteh) is a pet name for a devious person.
- Loco/loca (lohkoh /lohkah) – typically means “crazy.” It can be used when someone says or does anything that is a little out of the ordinary.
- Gordo o Gordito: This Spanish Nickname is suitable for a boyfriend who is overweight, and the diminutive form is Gordito.
- Amante – It means lover, and it can be used to describe the most important thing he performs.
- Fosforo – It means match, and it can be used to describe someone’s anger.
- Pata de perro: It literally means “dog paw,” and it’s a term used to describe someone who is constantly on the streets.
Bandera Pirata – This cute Spanish nickname, which means “pirate flag,” can also refer to a guy who is as thin as a skeleton. - Flaco – A slang term for someone who is incredibly skinny.
- Lagarto – A sort of crocodile known as a lagarto. Tell a friend who has a large mouth for conquering love and a variety of other things.
- Lindo – the masculine equivalent of the name adorable.
- Maravilloso – Someone who is fantastic!
- Osito – This means “small bear,” but is most commonly used to refer to a teddy bear.
Also, read Questions to ask a guy to get to know him deeper
Cute Funny Names to Call Your Boyfriend in Spanish.
I want to warn you that even though some of these funny Spanish nicknames may appear offensive, they can be amusing when used in the correct situation and with the proper person.
Be careful; you don’t want to come out as disrespectful or irritate someone (or even sad).
Here is a list of cute funny names to call your boyfriend in Spanish.
- Idiota -There’s no need for translating this one. You use it for someone who isn’t very smart.
- Lagarto – It means “lizard,” but you’d use this one for a person who lies too much.
- Tonto – When someone does something stupid or silly you could call him “Tonto.”
- Torpe – This one translates to “clumsy,” so it’s for a person who keeps dropping or knocking down things.
- Espantapájaros – It means “Scarecrow,” and it’s used for skinny guys.
- Flaco – This one is used for making fun of a skinny person.
- Burro – It means “donkey,” and it’s used for stubborn and dumb persons.
- Cabeza hueca – It means “hollow head,” someone who has no brain.
- Chulito — a term for a guy who enjoys flaunting their wealth for no apparent reason.
- Colegui – a cute way to refer to your boyfriend or lover.
- (Mi) Amor – This is a cute Spanish name that signifies “love.”
- Cariño – This is a Spanish pet name that signifies “care.”
- (Mi) cielo – a Cute Spanish name to call your boyfriend that means “sky.”
- Bebé – is a Spanish name that signifies “baby.”
- Pipi Calzas Largas – a nickname that refers to the character Pippi Longstocking. As a result, it is reserved for those who are daring and a little crazy.
- Bola de billar – means “bowling bowl” and is suitable for bald persons.
- Serpiente is a name for a devious person.
- Pollito – Pollito is a sweet name for expressing affection that your partner will love.
- Conejito – In addition to being a quirky name, the term connotes compassion for that specific someone.
- Tigre – This word means “tiger,” and it’s used to describe someone who is sexually appealing.
- Torbellino – a Spanish word that meaning “whirlwind,” and it’s used to describe someone who never stops moving and causes mayhem around them.
- Huracán – a Spanish word that meaning “hurricane,” and it can be applied to persons who are constantly on the move and have a lot of energy.
- Terremoto – means earthquake and has a similar meaning to Bicho, which means bug and is used to describe someone little, amusing, and cute.
- Zorro – a Spanish name that means “fox.” Used to describe men who are sneaky, clever, and most likely cruel.
- Zorrillo – a diminutive of the term “fox.” It has a pleasant and innocent quality because it is diminutive.
- Bicho – a Spanish word that means “bug” and is used to describe someone little, amusing, and cute.
- Colegui – this is a cute nickname for your boyfriend.
- Carota – someone who takes things for granted and takes advantage of situations in a discourteous manner.
- Cursi – a nickname for someone who enjoys extremely cheesy stuff.
- Tortuga – a Spanish name that means “turtle,” and it refers to guys who move slowly.
- Pompeado – He has a gym addiction!
- Celoso – For someone envious of others.
- Boludo – It refers to his large testicles, which prevent him from moving.
Romantic Names for Him in Spanish.
Create a romantic relationship by giving your boyfriend a romantic nickname in Spanish, but you shouldn’t give a nickname just for the sake of it; you should feel it and feel it!
Tell your boyfriend about your favorite Spanish nicknames. If your date is a natural Spanish speaker, he will appreciate and find it amusing.
Some nicknames aren’t meant to be heard by everyone. Some of these are a little too explicit. Others are too embarrassing to tell even your closest friends about.
- Papi chulo – stud (a slang term for a man that makes me cringe since it sounds sexy/racy).
- Mi amada/o – My darling – (cringe because it sounds so sincere)
- (Mi) Hombre – This name is translated as “my man” in this name.
- Galletita (gahyeteetah) is a Spanish pet name that means “cookie,” and it can be used to describe somebody you find charming who will be romantic for your boyfriend.
- Peluche (pehlucheh) is a plush animal that you can give to anyone you enjoy hugging and caring for.
- Trozo de pan (trohthoh deh pahn) – this Spanish pet name describes the person you’re talking about as both attractive and good and innocent.
- To bueno/ta buena (teeo booenoh/ teeah booenah) is a Spanish slang term for someone lovely.
- (Mi) corazón (kohrathon) – in Spanish, it means “heart,” and it refers to someone you love and consider vital.
- (Mi) vida (beedah) – it means “life,” and you use it to refer to someone you adore so much that they are your entire existence.
- Bombón (bombohn) is a Spanish word that means “chocolate piece.”
- Bomboncito (bombohnthetoh) – a diminutive of “bombón” that has a much sweeter ring to it.
- Tesoro is a Spanish word that means “sweetie” or “loving sunshine of a child.”
- Papi – This word literally means “dad,” although it has nothing to do with our parents in a romantic sense.
- Cario translates to “honey,” and it’s a lovely way to tell someone they’re special.
- Mi cielo – This is the same as bebé or baby, but with a different meaning. It’s worth noting that most men enjoy being called these names because they are considered attractive.
- Corazón: sweetheart – Its literal meaning is “heart,” so you can see how safe and traditional it is. It’s a highly adaptable word; it’s fine if you call a friend by this name.
- Bello – It means handsome, and it’s a nickname for your boyfriend regardless of how attractive he is.