Relationship Tips
100+ Topics to Chat With A Girl on WhatsApp and Impress Her Instantly
Do not get nervous about chatting with a girl on WhatsApp when it comes to chatting or want to improve your relationship with a girl, even when it gets tricky for some guys.
Whether you got a WhatsApp number from a girl you just met online, a girl you are crushing on, a girl you just met at a bar, or even your girlfriend, it is not strange that you can’t think of a better topic to chat on WhatsApp and get her attention at all times.
Topics to Chat With A Girl on WhatsApp.
The topics to chat with a girl on WhatsApp are basically her personal interest and hobbies, Her feelings, What makes her special, humor/jokes, romance, goal, and achievements. The topics to chat with a girl on WhatsApp are primarily determined by who she is to you and your intentions.
Do you want to be in a relationship or simply friends? I highly encourage you to get to know her and listen to what she has to say.
Topics other than the two of you can only lead to shallow ideas and disputes, draining the joy out of quality time spent together.
Here are some topics for starters.
Knowledge of her Daily Activities.
Discuss her typical day. How did it turn out? Did she have any problems?
Favorite Movies, Music, and Theater.
What are her favorite films, books, or stories?
When was the last time she visited a movie theater?
What kind of films do you like to watch?
Which movie can you watch again and again?
Which movie would you recommend if we could see it together?
Who do you consider to be the greatest musician of all time?
Which track is playing over and over again on your music playlist?
When was the last time you went to a concert?
What is your favorite TV program right now?
Do you have a hidden crush on a TV character?
Which television personality do you aspire to be like? -
Hangout and Events.
The areas in the city where she spends the most time.
Her favorite eateries, coffee shops, and all-time hangouts for all occasions and seasons.
What do you do to relax?
When you’re not working, what do you do? -
Fashion Sense and Brands.
What clothes brand she favors. Is she picky about them?
Which do you prefer for shopping for outfits: online or in-store shopping?
Who is your favorite actor when it comes to fashion?
What kind of clothing do you think is both sophisticated and convenient? -
Her Kind of Man.
What type of men does she enjoy spending time with?
What is it about male behavior that bothers you the most? -
Personal Interest.
What are her most passionate interests?
What does she prefer to do when she is not working?
Experiences in high school and college
Would she like to relive those days?
How she marked significant anniversaries in her life throughout the years. -
Travels Experience.
Travel plans include: Discuss the locations on her bucket list that she hopes to visit soon or shortly.
Future Goals and Plans.
Plans for a career/achievements in life What does she see as the broad picture for her future?
Politics and Political Interest.
Her political beliefs or the country’s present condition of affairs.
People in her life she cares about.
Interesting Topics to Chat With a Girl on WhatsApp.

Interesting Topics to Chat With A Girl on WhatsApp
- If I have one legitimate goal in life, it is to make you happy at all times.
- You are at the top of my list of priorities.
- I adore the way your presence alters the energy of a space.
- I can’t express how grateful I am to the heavens for bringing you into my life.
- I’m not sure whether there’s anything more perfect than you.
- I’m not sure if I was alive before I met you.
- I’d like to share the best of what life has to offer with just you.
- Let’s grow old together; I’d never want to lose a soul like yours.
- What is, do you enjoy doing but is underappreciated?
- Is there anything strange that has happened to you recently?
- Are you well-known in your among your friends for anything particular?
- What’s your favorite party story?
- What would you choose if you could win a lifetime supply of anything?
- Do you have a pooch voice or a phone voice?
- What is the latest time you’ve ever stayed in your PJs throughout the day?
- What would you put on a warning label if you had one?
- When you have the entire house to yourself, what is the first thing you do?
- What would you do if you could inflict one little annoyance on the person you despise the most?
- There is nothing more wonderful than simply being in your presence.
- Your presence in my life improves my self-esteem enormously.
- Every day, I listen to your voice because it is the finest thing I have ever heard.
Funny Topics to Chat With a Girl on WhatsApp.
- Do you have any pet names?
- Do you have any tattoos on your body? If so, how many are there, and where are they located?
- Do you go to the gym regularly or simply when you feel like it?
- Have you ever been slapped by a girl?
- Have you ever shattered another person’s heart?
- Have your friends mentioned anything nice about me?
- Have you ever had a crush on one of your best friend’s boyfriends?
- Where would you go if you could go anywhere?
- Is it ever possible to vanish without a trace?
- Why does sour cream have an expiration date?
- Why are those “easy open” food containers so difficult to open?
- What is one thing I won’t learn about you after our first meeting?
- When you get your photo taken, do you grin with your teeth?
- Do you believe dancing with a boy at a nightclub is a kind of cheating?
- Do you believe your partner can and should be your best friend?
- What is the one sound that irritates you the most?
- What is your favorite Saturday night activity?
- What was the first thing that sprang to mind when you glanced in the mirror this morning?
- Who would you want to be if you could be any fictional character?
- Who would you like to be if you could be anyone in history? Why?
- Who would you like to be if you could be any literary character?
- What three things would you do if you thought the world was ending?
- What was the best/worst present you ever received?
- How far east can you go before you have to turn west?
Impress Topics to Chat with a Girl on WhatsApp
Let’s face it: chatting on WhatsApp and other messaging apps is a big part of our lives.
That doesn’t make the pressure to meet someone new any less frightening.
Whether you’re attempting to send a romantic message, text after meeting someone at a networking event, or simply messaging a new person, utilizing a fantastic texting beginning will almost always result in a text reply.
Here are messages to impress her on WhatsApp:
- How are you feeling these days?
- Is there anything on the horizon that makes you nervous?
- What has been bothering you lately?
- Is there anything you could do to unwind?
- How are your family and friends doing?
- Have you recently done anything for yourself?
- What city did you grow up in?
- What is the nicest location you’ve ever lived in?
- What was your most humiliating experience?
- What is, do you enjoy doing but is underappreciated?
- Is there anything strange that has happened to you recently?
- Are you well-known in your among your friends for anything particular?
- What’s your favorite party story?
- What would you choose if you could win a lifetime supply of anything?
- Do you have a pooch voice or a phone voice?
- What is the latest time you’ve ever stayed in your PJs throughout the day?
- What would you put on a warning label if you had one?
- When you have the entire house to yourself, what is the first thing you do?
- What would you do if you could inflict one little annoyance on the person you despise the most?
- Who was your childhood crush?
- How did you act in high school?
- What is the most noticeable difference between us?
- What was your favorite children’s television show?
- What has been your favorite of our joint adventures?
- Do you have any unrealized desires?
- Is there anything you’ve wanted to say to me but haven’t been able to?
- What has been the finest piece of advice you’ve received this year?
Flirty Topics to Chat With A Girl on WhatsApp.
If you notice that her tone of communication and reaction gives you all the green signals, go ahead and tease her.
You have to keep things light and fun while adding fun while using the flirty questions to build intimacy tensions.
Don’t forget to use relevant emojis.
Here are some ideas of flirtatious topics and questions you might ask on Whatsapp:
- What do you intend tonight to wear? I know just what color is supposed to compliment my clothing.
- Throughout the day, I felt butterflies. I can’t wait later to see you.
- Let’s stop talking a little and flirt!
- This morning I woke up to think of you with a great smile on my face.
- I cannot stop thinking about you. You can’t come fast enough tonight!
- I realize that this evening is merely the first day, but I think it may be the beginning of something very wonderful.
- Tonight, how do I pick you up?
- Am I going to dream? Or do I simply go on a date with my dream girl?
- Hello, I adore the image on your profile! Where did it go?
- Hey, I’m a music artist’s fan, too. You need to taste really good!
- I Just Noticed The New Picture You Uploaded. I see you’re looking hotter than ever.
- When I see your name pop up on my phone screen, I giggle like an idiot.
- I have so much to do, yet I keep getting sidetracked by thoughts of you.
- If you dream about me, I’ll dream about you. Deal?
- I wish you were here so I could give you a hug and kiss goodnight.
- Do you want food most frequently? Perhaps sometime we could get it together?
- What’s your favorite ice cream taste? Date of the ice cream, my delight!
- Where would you want our first date to go?
- Wanna be engaged in a relationship?
- Can you share a romantic movie quote or a romantic gesture?
- What is your finest compliment to you? Why are you special?
- How does your day go, and how might I improve it?
- I’d love to hang out sometime. You’re cute and pleasant to be around.
- How do you look like your perfect weekend? Mine is going to hang with you!
- I thought I’d talk to you to say goodnight because you’ve been on my mind a lot lately.
- You’re making me an insomniac!
- I’m having trouble sleeping because I want to tell you how much I miss and love you.
- Please send me a photo so that I may send Santa my wish list.
- I’m not a photographer, but I can see us together for the rest of our lives.
- When I’m with you, I feel at ease being myself.

flirty Topics to Chat With A Girl on WhatsApp
Best topics to chat with a girl on WhatsApp At Night.
- How can you define your own happiness?
- Do you wish you might’ve invented one thing?
- If you want to alter anything in the world, what would it be?
- How do you live with your philosophy?
- Do you have a book or a movie’s favorite quotes?
- What are your eco-friendly thoughts?
- What do you believe is today’s most overhyped?
- What was your last Google search?
- What is your finest route trip?
- What typically surprises people to learn about you?
- How many countries have you visited?
- What are you doing most spontaneously?
- What job are you going to be awful at?
- What type of art are you most enjoying?
- What is the trend in a style that you wish to return?
- Where would you wish to visit the most fictitious place?
- What is the one thing in your refrigerator that is always available?
- What is the peeve of your animal?
- At which time of the year do you like the most?
- What would you do if you had $1 million?
- What’s your favorite of all the social media platforms?
- What’s your favorite child’s memory?
- What is a question you want to ask a renowned person?
- What was your last music to listen to?
- What do you truly want right now to buy?
Romantic Topics to Chat With A Girl on WhatsApp.
Here we have some of the best romantic topics to chat with your lover to ask, such as profound questions for your girlfriend and romantic questions when you are bored, questions about relationships for lovers, etc.
When you’ve been in a relationship for a long and have talked about pretty much everything, it’s a good idea to chat with your romantic partner on WhatsApp.
- How did you feel after our first kiss?
- Is it possible to fall in love too deeply?
- What do you consider to be the ideal romantic gift?
- What were your emotions like when we first kissed?
- Which is the most romantic film you’ve ever seen?
- What is your definition of love?
- What type of person would you want to marry if I hadn’t been there?
- What did you think of me when you first saw me?
- What made you fall in love with me?
- What prompted you to reveal your feelings for me?
- Why do you love me, and how much do you love me?
- What do you think is the most sensual outfit for a guy and a woman?
- Do you have faith in soulmates and destiny?
- Is there anything I’ve ever done to make you feel special?
- What are three of your favorite memories?
- What is it about our partnership that makes you the happiest?
- What kind of apparel and fashion appeal to you the most?
- What are your thoughts on the following three words: appealing, s@xy😕, and erotic?
- What has surprised you the most in your life?
- What is one thing I do that you would never weary of seeing?
- What is your greatest concern in this relationship?
- What would be the ideal present for you?
- What did you think the first time you met me?
- What do you recall most vividly about the night/day we first met?
- What aspect of our connection makes you the happiest?
- When we initially started dating, how long did you expect our relationship would last?
- What one term would you use to define our relationship?
- What romantic film would you want to watch with me?
- What romantic song should you devote to our relationship?
- Is there anything I can do to make you feel extra special?
- What types of messages do you think are the most romantic?
- What is one heinous thing you wish to do to me?
- What exactly do you want me to do with you?
- What is it about me that you can never get enough of?
- What is the one thing you want me to change about myself?
- What do you consider to be the ideal definition of a wonderful night together?
- Would you prefer to celebrate a big event with all of your friends or with me alone?
- Could you please give me your fave romantic line?
- What song do you listen to the most when you’re in a romantic mood?

Romantic Topics to Chat With A Girl on WhatsApp
Questions to get to know her better
These questions are designed to help you discover more about her point of view or personality, which is a fantastic approach to starting a discussion.
Earlier, I compiled a similar post titled – Questions to ask a guy to get to know him deeper.
They welcome additional discussion as a result of this.
- What do you consider to be the ideal date?
- What is the finest piece of advice you’ve ever received?
- What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
- What age do you believe a person should “grow up” and why?
- What is the next destination you’d like to visit?
- Right now, what do you love the most?
- What are you going to alter about your future if you could go back five years?
- Have you or do you wish to travel a lot?
- How is your relationship’s biggest deal-breaker?
- What has been your latest insane adventure?
- What is and why is your preferred time of year?
- Where did you grow up? What was the nicest thing?
- If tomorrow was your final day on Earth, what would you do?
- How about yourself do you like the most?
- What’s your all-time favorite movie?
- Have you any clandestine talents?
- Do you used to do something you enjoyed, but you stopped doing now?
- What is your life’s most valuable thing?
- What would you do for your nation, given an opportunity?
- Do you care about initial impressions?
- When will time go too speedily, and when will it go slower for you?
- How can a man turn you off?
- What is your first perfect date?
- Which items in your life have not been fulfilled?
- Who is the luckiest person, and why do you know?
- How are you going to affect the climate?
- If he was much shorter than you, would you prefer a guy?
- From this inquiry, what do you get: is it superficial or not?
- What are some of the things a man knew you wanted before you dated?
- What are your most stupid arguments?
- What has life taught you about the largest lesson?
- What famous people have had the greatest influence on you?
- What would you remember about 10 years ago if you could only remember one thing?
- What is something you’ve never done but have always wanted to?
- Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?
- What do you think your closest friends would say about you?
Deep topics to talk about on WhatsApp with your fiancee.
This set of topics to talk about on WhatsApp with your fiancee to impress her at all times while knowing more about her.
- What’s your favorite fragrance?
- What’s your favorite song for karaoke?
- What is the rainy day your favorite stuff to do?
- Would you like to see me intimately?
- How romantic can you be with me?
- Do you believe we can live together happily forever?
- Where would you like to travel after our wedding with me?
- Think you we’ve created a great couple?
- This week, should we go on a date?
- Why do I feel so special when I’m with you?
- What are you planning for our honeymoon?
- What is it I do that turns you on?
- What are our most intimate moments?
- Can you tell where I have moles in my body?
- How do you wake up with me?
How can I impress a girl by chatting on WhatsApp without being boring?
It is important to note that If the girl gets the sense that you want to impress her or that you want to grab her attention with your achievements, appearance, or flirting abilities, your conversation with her immediately starts getting boring.
Here are few steps to take to impress a girl by chatting on WhatsApp without getting boring.
Conversation Starters – Keep it Simple.
Begin with a basic question. The first thing that impresses a girl during a WhatsApp chat is your conversational maturity and, more significantly, your sense of humor.
Think about what you want to say, be amusing, but it must not be a joke.
Take note of every moment, such as when she goes online, how much time she spends chatting, what sorts of status she has, and so on.
Timing is Key – Best Time To Chat.
Timing is all about ladies who depend so much on emotions, sentiments, and feelings, not simply the physical appearance.
Having a chat on WhatsApp at night is usually more intimate, suggestive, inviting.
The ideal time to text a female is at night. You are both free at night. Nobody will bother you, and you may both offer to each other.
Learn to Listen and Make Smart Response.
Listening to a girl’s past experiences, future goals/ambitions, and stories makes her feel special.
Listening is one of the essential personality traits you can develop to have a good chatting experience.
Your chat messages should be shorter while you listen more and avoid responding with hmm!, Ohk!, etc.
Names and Nicknames are Okay.
Carefully choose and call her by names she likes and prepare. It is okay if you use her name or pet name.
I have a list of cute nicknames you can call your girlfriend, including those romantic Spanish names.
A Good Sense of Humor is Essential.
If you don’t have a sense of humor, don’t be a joker but maintain a good sense of humor.
The more you both giggle and laugh in between discussions, the more likely she will indulge and be interested in continuing the conversation.
Appreciate and Respect Opinion.
Learn to appreciate the little things about her. Follow the conversation by bringing up her interests, hobbies, knowledge, etc.
Don’t just talk about your talents or achievements; instead, show real interest in learning about her skills, passions, and interests.
Instead of asking random inquiries like “what did you have for dinner?” or “what do you like to eat,” talk about something that interests her.
About Being Flirty…
Flirting should be done healthily. She’s not your girlfriend, but she’s going to be.
I listed some flirty topics to chat with a girl on WhatsApp in this post. Take advantage of it and this full compilation of Flirty / Dirty Questions to ask your girlfriend. (Warning!!! Be careful when you use this because it might turn her on).
Avoid Being Desperate.
Make a balance between interest and desperation, don’t leave your life for her. If you are not enjoying yourself, how will she enjoy with you?
Availability – Apply This Simple Trick (At Your Risk).
Being available always might hurt you. This is reality, Bro!.
She will give you more attention when she realizes she is missing someone.
You can apply this simple but risky trick that can make a huge difference if you apply it properly.
The Trick…
At a certain point, only when you have gotten her attention, read the message and do not reply for 24Hrs.
During the period, she will wonder why you have ignored her message if you are.
This trick has some risks. Don’t use this trick too often, as she will lose interest over time.
Don’t Just Impress Her, Be of Assistance.
Offer her assistance when she is truly in need. Maybe this time, your abilities will be beneficial to her in the situation.
Just don’t try to impress her.