Canada Scholarships
Nursing Scholarships for International Students in Canada
Have you been seeking nursing Scholarships in Canada? If yes, seek no more, the below are the available nursing scholarships in Canada.
Canada is desired by many international students, due to the conducive environment for learning that dwells in the country, and as well the low cost of tuition fees.
In this article, you will be able to explore the different types of scholarships that are available in Canada, for international students.
ARNNL 50th Anniversary Scholarship (Ph.D.)
This is a Scholarship opportunity for all those who would like to get a nursing Scholarship in Canada.
Nevertheless, before you can be considered for this scholarship opportunity, you must be a practicing nurse in a laboratory or Newfoundland and be willing to pursue a doctoral degree.
Interested in this scholarship opportunity? You must be a registered nurse and be ready to make a significant impact on human health.
University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarship
Would you love to pursue your nursing degree at the University of Calgary on a scholarship basis? If yes, you will learn about how you can apply for this scholarship here.
This scholarship opportunity is hosted by the University of Calgary and is meant for all international students, who desire a nursing Scholarship in Canada.
Target group
This scholarship opportunity is meant for all international students, who are ready to start their nursing course in Canada.
Scholarship Worth
The worth of this scholarship opportunity is $15,000 and it’s renewable.
As a requirement for this scholarship opportunity, interested candidate must have a minimum of 2.60 CGPA,
Furthermore, applicant are expected to be full-time registered student.
Application instructions
Candidate applying for this application must have submitted their application before the end of november 2022.
Interested in applying for this application, kindly head over to
Winnipeg President’s Scholarships for World Leaders
To all those seeking for nursing Scholarship in Canada, here is a Scholarship opportunitiy from Winnipeg president’s world leaders.
Before you will be considered for this scholarship oppotunity, you must have been offered admission at one of the Institution in Canada, for your nursing course.
This scholarship is hosted by University of Winnipeg, and covers tuition fee. To be eligible for this scholarship oppotunity, you must be an international student and not a resident of Canada.
Each qualified candidate stands to receive $5,000 which will cover for their tuition fee.
To be qualified for this scholarship oppotunity, you must meet with the below eligibility criteria.
- You must have been considered for admission in one of the schools in Canada for your nursing program.
- You must not be a citizen of Canada but an international student.
- You must have be fully equipped with awesome and captivating leadership experience.
- Your admission letter must be ready.
Would you like to start your Scholarship application now? Kindly follow link now
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