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100 Unexpectedly falling in Love Quotes When True Love Happens Suddenly

Unexpectedly falling in love quotes? sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time and so does falling in love comes unexpectedly.

Can you fall in love unexpectedly?

People can fall in love unexpectedly and suddenly when they least expect it. This bond could be with the most unexpected person since love can develop swiftly and uncontrollably in some cases. No one falls on purpose, as the term implies, yet it happens when you least expect it.

How do you express unexpected love?

In fact, in my experience, unexpected love does not have a certain manner of expressing itself. But know that it is accompanied by a positive attitude; it’s magnificent and heartfelt, even if there are not enough words to convey it.

Unexpected Love does not have a sign or a clue, it just comes while you least expected it.

While this happens, you may be looking for the right words to express the surprise of your unexpected feelings to really make known how startling and sudden it looks.

Therefore, you need to go through these compilations of unexpectedly falling in love quotes.

Unexpectedly falling in Love Quotes

Unexpectedly falling in Love Quotes

Let go through our 200 unexpectedly falling in love quotes;

1. It was my heart that chose you, not me.

2. I’m attempting to forget about you, but it’s not working.

3. The best things in life happen when you least expect them.

4. I swear I don’t think I could love you any more than I do right now, but I’m confident I will tomorrow.

5. I never expected to like you as much as I do, or to have you on my mind as much as I do.

6. I’m frightened of losing you, even though you’re not mine.

7. Every time you fall in love, it feels like the first time, and it’s always so perplexing.

8. We are mostly ignorant that we are already falling in love when we fall in love.

9. Now that we’ve returned to the beginning, we may do whatever we choose with our lives.

10. I am ecstatic every time I see your smile and realize that I am the cause of it.

11. I’m pleased it was you, and I’m glad it wasn’t anyone else because I’ve always loved you.

12. I’m still grateful to the universe for bringing you into my life when I needed you the most.

13. I admire how you arrived into my life out of nowhere and left me completely unprepared for your departure.

14. I had no idea what love was until you appeared out of nowhere, completely unexpectedly in my life.

15. I never imagined that the rude young child I once met would become my husband.

16. I made a vow to myself that I would never fall in love again, and look where I am today.

17. I just wanted to tell you that I’m glad you showed up in my life without any forewarning.

18. If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume you’ve been in love with me for a long time.

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19. If circumstances had been different, I may have chosen you and you might have chosen me.

20. You arrived into my life with a bang, in the blink of an eye, unexpectedly and instantly.

21. It’s surreal, meeting you as if by magic and falling in love with you like a whirlwind.

22. It never occurred to me that you might be the love I’d been looking for all this time.

23. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, one of which is meeting the one for you in the most unexpected way.

24. Love is unavoidable, like being pushed down a cliff and having your breath taken away.

25. Love is like being hit by a bus; it’s painful, sudden, and unexpected.

26. Love is uncontrollable; you never know when or how it will strike.

27. Perhaps someday, the person you least expect to see will return and prove himself to you.

28. My love for you is completely unexpected, like being pricked by something.

29. She has no recollection of when or how it began; all she knows is that it did.

30. So, let me tell you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I will not let go of you.

31. Love can appear in the most unexpected places and the most unexpected ways.

32. Sometimes the most unexpected love comes at the right time when you are ready.

33. From the moment we met, I knew you were the one for me, and I hope you feel the same way.

34. Everything fell into place the moment our paths crossed; I was exactly where I wanted to be.

35. The fact that you came into my life so abruptly and unexpectedly is the reason I love you.

36. The world is full of surprises, and you were the best one I’ve ever had.

37. There are times when you fall in love at an unexpected time and are unsure what to do.

38. Let’s go fishing sometime and see if we don’t fall in love with each other.

39. All we want is to feel the love we believe we deserve because that is how humans truly act.

40. What a surprise it was when you entered my life and made me fall in love.

41. When the time comes, I will ask you to marry me and start a family with me.

42. I hope that when you realize you love me, I will still be there waiting for you.

43. When you do arrive, it is always in waves, a gentle sea full of surprises waiting to be discovered.

44. Who could have predicted that our innocent friendship would blossom into a blossoming love?

45. Who would have known that two strangers would find comfort with each other and fall in love?

46. You have no idea what will happen tomorrow, just as you have no idea who you will love.

47. You are practically the best thing that has ever happened to me at the most inopportune time.

48. You are the most unexpected person who has entered my life, and that is why I adore you.

49. You’ve been right in front of me the whole time, and I never expected you to be the love of my life.

50. You were my love, the one for whom I would sacrifice all, the one for whom I needed and desired.

51. You were one of the most wonderful surprises that love has ever bestowed upon me.

52. Many aspects of our lives arrive at inconvenient times and with unexpected gifts.

53. Don’t find love, but let love find you, that’s why it is call falling in love because you don’t force yourself to fall you just fall.

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54. We should love and not falling in love because everything that falls gets broken.

55. A good destiny in a relationship is when two people find each other without looking.

56. Happiness and peace are when you fall in love suddenly and unexpectedly.

57. The best relationship often begins unexpectedly.

58. You cannot plan for the unexpected.

59. Don’t try too hard, the best thing comes unexpectedly.

60. You won’t know how love is when you’re very careful about every opportunity you meet.

Quotes about unexpected feelings

  • I recall the first time I looked into your eyes and felt my entire planet turn inside out.
  • Thank you for bringing back memories of my time as a butterfly.
  • You are the furthest thing from my mind.
  • I never expected anyone to be able to make me laugh, smile, or cry as much as you have.
  • When I looked into your eyes, I knew I would give you my heart, even if you didn’t ask for it.
  • The best kisses are those that come unexpectedly.
  • The unexpected is the source of charm.
  • Don’t miss out on a blessing just because it wasn’t packaged the way you expected. Expect the unexpected.
  • I fall in love with you before I even recognize it.

Short quotes about falling in love unexpectedly-min

Short quotes about falling in love unexpectedly

  • You’re the love that snuck up on me and took my heart before I could say no.
  • Before you could even touch my flesh, I was in love with him. If not love, I’m not sure what it could be.
  • You had me at HELLO!
  • The best love story is when you fall in love with the most unexpected people at the most unexpected time.
  • Having someone you thought you would never have a chance with fall in love with you is one of life’s most beautiful moments.
  • Occasionally, the person you were intended to fall in love with appears in the weirdest, most unexpected way.

Also see: good morning love message to her

Quotes about falling in love with someone you never expected

  • Meeting you was a coincidence, becoming your friend was a decision, but falling in love with you was out of my control.
  • You’re that person I never thought I would fall for.
  • I ended up liking you a lot more than I had anticipated.
  • I never expected to fall so deeply in love so fast with you.
  • I promised myself I’d never fall for you, but now we’re laughing much too hard, and for the first time in my life, I’m happy.
  • I wasn’t seeking you, I wasn’t expecting you, but I’m glad I met you.
  • I never thought it possible to fall in love with the same person over and over again, but then I met you.
  • I never expected you to love me, because I didn’t see why you should, and didn’t think I was lovable at all.

Falling in love quotes for him

  • I’m not just falling for you; I’m falling out of love with you. I’m drowned in the depths of who you are because you’re an ocean, and I’m plunging in.
  • You’re perfectly what I’ve always wanted, but didn’t realize it.
  • I’m not sure how to phrase it, or if it’s even true. But I think I’m falling for you because of the way you make me feel.
  • I sink into him like a dream, ready to give in to your subconscious demands.
  • I was smitten by his unwavering soul, and I perceived you as flawless, thus I adored you. Then I understood you weren’t flawless, and I grew to appreciate you even more.
  • A feeling… that we have some shared past that has yet to be realized
  • You are the source of my joy, the center of my world, and the entirety of my heart; falling in love with you was the simplest thing I’ve ever done.
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Do unexpected things quotes

  • The best part of the story is the unexpected part.
  • The best thing in life comes unexpectedly.
  • Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me.
  • I am looking for the unexpected, am looking for the things have not yet seen.
  • Life is not what you expect: it is made up of the most unexpected twists and turns.
  • The twists and turns of your life can be so unexpected, and that’s a good thing to learn.
  • It’s amazing meeting someone who did nothing to you at first but turns out to do everything at the end.
  • Be patient, the best thing in life happens unexpectedly.
  • a Flirty quote might not be a bad idea.

Important Things About Unexpected Love and Quote You Need To Know

Relationships begin unexpectedly when love often sparks up strong emotions and excitement in trying to express it to your crush or newly found partner in relationships.

while quotes are meant to be one of the easiest ways of expressing love. this section will answer most questions bothering this topic.

What is a good surprise quote?

While planning is beneficial, the most memorable events in life occur when you are caught off guard. When you’re deeply moved by affection, it’s a nice surprise.

What’s a deeper word for love?

Affection is the most profound term for expressing love. This is the kind of love that can withstand life’s ups and downs. Affection is expressed not only in words but also in actions.

How do you express surprise in writing?

It can sometimes be difficult to communicate surprise in writing, but here is a simple tip and idea. To express your feelings or any form of emotions, you must first get to know them and be able to describe their personalities to your readers. This could be done physically or verbally.

How do you react when someone surprises you?

Because humans are social beings, how they react to surprise varies from person to person. However, experts claim that the majority of reactions to surprises are expressed vocally, using words such as;

  • Ooh.
  • Wow.
  • Well.
  • good/oh Lord
  • Hey.
  • Oh.
  • aah

True love happens unexpectedly

Love is brave in its declarations and never hides behind the truth. True love, I’ve discovered, is a pleasant surprise. I’ve always been fascinated by how easily people fall in love.

People love regularly, but true love, the kind that changes you for the rest of your life and leaves an indelible mark on your heart and soul, only happens once in a lifetime.

When loves take you to surprise quotes?

  • it is incredible how quickly one may fall in love with someone they didn’t even notice the first time they met.
  • It’s true that “time is not a measure of love.”
  • You met that one person who made you forget about yesterday and dream about tomorrow all of a sudden.
  • It came at the worst possible time, and it took my breath away.
  • I can still recall the feelings that washed through me when I first spoke with you.
  • He appeared out of nowhere in my life and now means everything to me.
  • I’m not sure what’s going on between us, but whatever it is, I’m not ready to let it go.
  • You only meet someone once in a lifetime, and you should never leave someone who touches your soul more than your body.
unexpected questions about sudden love

unexpected questions about sudden love

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